Lothar Krappmann

Er war Vorsitzender der Sachverständigenkommission zur Erarbeitung des 10. Kinder- und Jugendberichts der Bundesregierung und ist international anerkannter Forscher im Bereich Kindheit/Kinderpolitik. Am 13. Februar 2003 wurde er als eines von 13 Mitgliedern in den UN-Ausschuss für die Rechte des Kindes (CRC) gewählt.
de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lothar_Krappmann  (habe wiki ergänzt).

Lothar Krappmann. Neuere Rollenkonzepte als Erklärungsmöglichkeit für Sozialisationsprozesse. In: b : e Redaktion (Hrsg.) (1972).

Beim 3.Staatenbericht der Bundesregierung hat die CRC einen 1.Vorsitzenden aus Deutschland.
Burkina Faso ist nicht mehr dabei.

Staatenbericht der Bundesregierung an die CRC
theoretisch / praktisch 1.Bericht 05.04.1994 05.04.1994 2.Bericht 05.04.1999 01.09.2001 3.Bericht 05.04.2004 01.01.2009 ? www.vaeter-aktuell.de/un-kinderrechtekonvention/Chronologie.htm
Die Vorbehaltserklärung der Bundesregierung gegen die UN-Kinderrechtekonvention sollte innerhalb der nächsten zwei Jahre zurück genommen werden. So lange die Vorbehaltserklärung der Bundesregierung gilt, macht ein Staatenbericht gar keinen Sinn. Der Ausschuss für die Rechte des Kindes CRC wird keine 300 Seiten Eigenlob lesen wollen.

Die Strategie von Burkina Faso ist ganz anders. Burkina Faso legt seine Probleme offen und bittet die UNO um Hilfe.


Lothar Krappmann in den UN-Ausschuss für die Rechte des Kindes wiedergewählt

Zusammen mit acht weiteren Sachverständigen ist Prof. Lothar Krappmann am 21. Februar 2007 als Vertreter aus Deutschland für weitere vier Jahre in den UN-Ausschuss für die Rechte des Kindes mit Sitz in Genf wiedergewählt worden. Prof. Krappmann erhielt von allen Kandidat(inn)en die höchste Anzahl der abgegebenen Stimmen. Weitere Einzelheiten der Wahl sind der folgenden Pressemitteilung der NGO Group for the CRC in Genf zu entnehmen:

In accordance with Article 43 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, elections for nine members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child were held on 21 February 2007 at the United Nations in New York. Five members, Mr. Krappmann (Germany), Mr. Kotrane (Tunisia), Ms. Khattab (Egypt), Mr. Filali (Algeria) and Ms. Ortiz (Paraguay) all ran for re-election and were re-elected in the first round of voting. Mr. Krappmann received the highest number of votes with 131 out of a possible 188. Mr. Kotrane received 120 votes; Ms. Khattab received 116 votes; Mr. Filali received 101 votes; and Ms. Ortiz received 100 votes. The required majority was 95 votes. This is a second term for all members except for Ms. Khattab who has been a member of the Committee since 2002. Mr. Doek (Netherlands), Ms. Anderson (Jamaica), and Ms. Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso) did not run for re-election and the government of Argentina withdrew the nomination of Mr. Liwiski in November.

New Committee members elected in the first round included Mr. Dainius Puras (Lithuania) with 105 votes and Mr. Luigi Citarella (Italy), a former member of the Committee from 2001-2005, with 107 votes. The second round of voting was limited to four candidates and no candidate reached a majority of votes. In the third round of voting, Ms. Agnes Akosua Aidoo (Ghana) was elected with 100 votes out of a possible 179. In the fourth and final round of voting, Ms. Maria Herczog (Hungary) was elected with 101 votes out of a possible 173. The other two candidates who reached the second and third rounds were Ms. Marta Mauras Perez (Chile) and Ms. Lidija Topic (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Ms. Perez, having received the fewest votes in the third round, did not proceed to the fourth and final round of voting.

Committee members, who were not up for re-election and remain on the Committee through February 2009, are Ms. Al-Thani (Qatar), Ms. Aluoch (Kenya), Ms. Lee (Republic of Korea), Mr. Parfitt (Canada), Mr. Pollar (Uganda), Mr. Siddiqui (Bangladesh), Ms. Smith (Norway), Ms. Vuckovic-Sahovic (Serbia), and Mr. Zermatten (Switzerland).

The new regional breakdown of the eighteen members, based on the UN classification system, includes six members from Africa, five from the Western European and other group, three from Asia, one from Latin America and three from Eastern Europe. This shows that the Eastern European Group benefited to the detriment of the Latin Americans. A further breakdown of the regions shows that of the six Africans, three are from North Africa, two are from English speaking East Africa and one is from English speaking West Africa. The WEOG members include four members from Northern Europe, one member from Southern Europe and one from North America. The Asians include one from the Gulf region, one from South Asia and one from East Asia. This further breakdown shows that although all regions are represented, there is overrepresentation of Africa and Europe and an under-representation of Latin America.

The professional expertise of the four new members is varied. Ms. Aidoo is a former UNICEF representative and is presently an independent consultant. Mr. Citarella is a lawyer who is currently an expert consultant of the Inter-ministerial Committee for Human Rights for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy. Ms. Herczog is a University lecturer and researcher in the field of child welfare and child protection. Dr. Dainius is the head of the Center of Child Psychiatry and Social Pediatrics at Vilnius University. All four of the new members have experience working with national NGOs. Two mention having done some work for UNICEF (Aidoo, Herczog).

Quelle: Pressemitteilung der NGO Group for the CRC in Genf vom 22.2.2007

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